Uploading a Job (PDF/VT-2)

Upload a job in a hold job, secure job, or HDD job as a normal job, and configure settings on the job editing screen.

  • preconditionThe available file type is PDF.

  1. Upload a file.

    • supplementary explanationFor details about job uploading, refer to Uploading a Job.

  2. Select a job, and click Job Settings in Job Management.

    The Job Settings screen opens.

  3. Click Workflow.

  4. Select the PDF/VT-2 External Files Search check box.

  5. Directly type the path of the sub folder that contains VDP resource data, in the text box.

    • supplementary explanationEnter External File Search Path using up to 193 characters. All characters can be entered, excluding symbols *, ?, ", <, >, and |.

  6. Click Save.